Thyroid issues are NOT the end of the world when it comes to weight loss IF you have the right approach! Many of my clients have thyroid disorders & lose... read more →
What was the last thing that you ate? Here’s the fun part: Will what you ate help feed the “good” bacteria in your gut …Or the bad bacteria that lives... read more →
This month, we’re taking a deep dive into CRAVINGS and there’s a definite time of day they seem to strike the most. At night! There are some actual biological causes... read more →
Nico Before and After 40 days A picture is worth a thousand words they say… (with live cell analysis: a video is worth even more!) But today we will stick... read more →
I’ve got a BIG question for you today. I want you to fire up your imagination. One year from now, if you had an AMAZING year and were all-in on... read more →
Nicole is a 50 year old high spirited woman with a heart of gold 😊 As a healthcare provider with a physical job, she understands the importance of self care.... read more →
You already know that habits have the power to transform your life. Going through COVID restrictions, many of us are working on getting our regular habits back on track. The... read more →
Have you ever had a really bad day at work? And when it was finally time to go home, all you could think about was how awesome it will be... read more →
There has been a LOT of buzz about “gut health” lately … and for a very good reason. The more we learn about it, the more we realize how incredibly... read more →
The other day I read a shocking statistic. Almost 1 billion people across the world have a vitamin D deficiency! Wow! That is a LOT of people – and it’s... read more →