A picture is worth a thousand words they say… (with live cell analysis: a video is worth even more!) But today we will stick to a snapshot from the video for ease 😉
Here’s a glimpse at what can happen with the right nutrition and supplementation.
This 19-year-old male came to me because of a skin fungal infection since grade school. He is a generally healthy young man, with mindful eating habits and physically fit. The topical medications haven’t been enough to clear his infection that has spread to his stomach, chest and arms. So, he decided to try a holistic approach.
His main concern was the fungal infection on his skin. But upon further investigating, he also suffered with occasional heart burn, gas, and belching. He also suffered with seasonal allergies in the spring.
The photo on the left has very sticky red blood cells. It indicates a low pH, weak digestion, inflammation, and an imbalance of gut microbiome.
The photo on the right is after only 40 days. We managed to increase his pH, get his elimination pathways detoxing and the red blood cells are much more separated- which is the goal for more oxygen in the cells and better health overall. 😉 Also, a benefit was an improvement with the rash on his arms! This was accomplished by adjusting his nutrition and a few specific supplements to help his body detox.
This is a huge improvement in just over a month. He’s about a third of the way through his protocol. The next phases of his protocol will be adjusted to work further on his fungal concerns and the microbiome.
We can’t wait to see his end results in a couple more months!