Holly came to see us because she struggled with her weight for nearly 10 years. She was experiencing hormonal imbalances and a lot of stress that led her to poor food choices.
Holly tried many different diet and exercise programs with little progress. She ultimately gave up.
Holly’s story is all too familiar for many. We know it’s easy to get wrapped up in programs that ultimately fail because they were not designed to support our individual needs.
Holly has been a pleasure to work with and her successes are proof that Metabolic Balances’ holistic approach works.
Here’s what Holly had to say about her experience…
“I just want to say how happy I am with this plan with Melanie at Solera Holistic Health. It’s been a long challenging summer, but with my coach’s support and guidance from my coach, it’s becoming my normal lifestyle. I am happy to say I’m about 12 inches down and 25lbs lighter after 90 days.”
“ I like to think that because I knew this was made specifically for me I was convinced it would work no matter what, so I dove in, and I’m happy I did because I learned so much!”
Good luck to everyone starting with this program!